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Part 1 ( proposed highly successful leaders surround themselves with action oriented people who live in the solution and avoid people who waste time blaming, rationalizing and making excuses.

The suggestion was made to listen carefully and make notes of when you or others use words or behaviors which blame, excuse or justify poor results. Once you made the list and reviewed it carefully, you have the opportunity to see the potential business impact of blaming, justifying and making excuses.

Now, you have arrived at the most difficult phase. ARE YOU WILLING TO TAKE CORRECTIVE ACTION?

If not, then stop reading now and accept your current results.

However, if you want breakthrough results here are a few simple suggestions:

1.    Review what you have defined as the purpose of your business.

  • Why does your business exist and how do you define success?

  • Success starts with a clearly articulated Purpose/Vision/ Mission.

  • If you don’t have these fundamentals in place, make time to create them with your team.

2.   Consider the top 5 – 7 values which support achievement of your Purpose/Vision/Mission.

What are the principles and standards of behavior your business holds in place for conducting business?

Your list might include these or many other options:

Integrity - Accountability - Candor - Honesty - Intelligence - Decisiveness

Commitment - Honor - Capable - Creative - Dependable  - Credibility

Does your team know, understand and agree to uphold these principles?

If you are unsure or you don’t have clearly identified and agreed upon core values it’s time to develop them.

3.    Gather your team and with your Purpose/Mission/Vision and Core Values in hand, discuss the need to eliminate being a casualty of blaming, justifying and making excuses.

  • Share the observations you made in week 1.

  • Discuss how the business is impacted by poor results stemming from these behaviors.

  • Have a conversation about how you can respond appropriately and positively with more productive responses such as: collaborating instead of blaming, brainstorming instead of rationalizing and being 100% accountable instead of making excuses.

The desired outcome is for the team to create a preferred way of working together.  Workplace performance norms should be defined in simple, clear and concise terms and all team members held accountable to uphold.

If you have read this far and are willing to take courageous action, CONGRATULATIONS! You’re no longer a victim of pretending not to know. Please, share one thing you’re willing to take action on TODAY to eliminate, blaming, rationalizing and making excuses.


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